Saturday, January 1, 2011

Expedition Africa!

Having a bit of spare time recently I booked passage to the continent of Africa for a brief visit. It proved to be a fascinating place indeed. On my arrival I asked the first inhabitants I met for directions but I'm afraid they weren't very much help. They were friendly, of course, but they seemed to find every question I asked them extremely funny and only laughed hysterically in response.

Unlike Caledon, the lands of Africa are not served by public transport in any form. I did, however, find this fellow who was more than happy to give me a ride for some distance.

Only one African I met was less than friendly. But I believe it was more out of shyness than rudeness as she thrust her head into the sand as soon as I approached her for an interview.

OK, I give up. What are we looking at?

Not all of Africa's amazing Nature is in animal form. Here I found some curious plants masquerading as stones. The bizarre paired leaves are swollen with stored water that is seasonally scarce in this area.

Near a village I encountered two lively monkeys climbing about. They were much too engrossed in their play to sit for an interview, but I was loath to interrupt them anyway as they appeared to be having so much fun.

A big farther along I wandered into a copse of trees with strangely patterned trunks.

Imagine my surprise when I gently knocked on the bark and subsequently learned that they were actually the legs of a two great camelopards!

Alas! My duties in Caledon called me home. So it was that I bid the continent of Africa farewell from atop a lovely waterfall. I must return again some day and continue my explorations!

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